Prayer Board

As you pray, use the buttons below to notify the person that you prayed for them.

  • 🙏 308

    Me. God Knows.

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 164

    Due to neglect and abuse - please pray my husband & I will be able to keep/obtain custody of our 8 y...

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 115

    Please pray for my husband for God to remove him from the superficial life he’s been living in latel...

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  • 🙏 22

    That my relationship with my son flourishes and that he move to Houston this year

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  • 🙏 39

    Desperate for provision and to win the custody back of my daughter and legal battle

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  • 🙏 4

    Name is Rick need prayer protection and mercy bullying at home did a good thing paying for it

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  • 🙏 8

    Please pray for Andrew to be safe going to work and coming home. Help him get a car soon. Show me wh...

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  • 🙏 11

    My former coworker Tracie lost her job last February and has not been able to find work. She does no...

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  • 🙏 12

    My family in South Africa have just lost everything to scammers, I ask Lord Jesus to help. Elaine, J...

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