Prayer Board

As you pray, use the buttons below to notify the person that you prayed for them.

  • 🙏 39

    Please pray for healing for Butch cancer tumor is growing

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 494

    God lift up Me my Husband Cliff our Kids Marriage Blended Family for His Purpose Mental Physical Spi...

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 92

    Please pray that my husband would be disgusted by his mistress, repent and return to Jesus and our m...

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 93

    Please pray that the Lord will break the strongholds in my husband's life, and that all of his desir...

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 90

    Please pray that the Lord will break the strongholds in my husband's life, and that all of his desir...

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 191

    Please pray for my marriage to be restored

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 35

    Please pray for my daughter to find a job that she loves and will stick with. She seems to have a ha...

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 37

    From early or late Spring 2024 'til past Labor Day 2024, I did ask Woodlands 2 PRAY for safety, tra...

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 98

    I am in a situation where my job is at stake. I am being nvestigated for false allegations and my ce...

    Pray For This